
We offer classes for every experience level, and each class is genre specific. All classes are first-come, first-served, so please show up on time. If you have specific questions about a class feel free to reach out to staff with any questions.



Level  I


I just purchased or am planning to purchase a digital camera. I need help deciding what to buy. I want to learn how to expose and compose pictures properly. I don’t understand the relationship between shutter speed, aperture, and ISO, so I only use my camera when everything is set on automatic. The only flash I use is the flash that came with my camera. I want to make good photographs, but I’m not really sure where to begin.

Level  II


I know how to operate my camera. I know how to control depth of field and how to vary my shutter speed and aperture in manual mode. I have taken a few good pictures in the past, but I can’t seem to make them on a consistent basis. I have several filters, but I’m not using them effectively. I use off camera flash but am confused as to how to control the light levels with my flash. I have started working with people as subjects, but need more help on posing. I know about post-production editing and use software to edit my images however I would like to learn more. I could use some help in improving my compositions, and I’m not sure how to take advantage of good lighting conditions.  

Level III

Moss Lake Milky Way.jpg

I am an experienced shooter.
I know how to use filters creatively to give me the effect I am looking for. I can easily choose various combinations of shutter speed, aperture, and ISO to achieve my desired outcome. I can consistently make strong images under varying lighting conditions. I want to learn more about advanced lighting techniques and postproduction. However, I am in a bit of a rut, and am looking for some new ideas to take my photography to the next level.

Artistry level 


Artistry level classes are fast paced and require solid knowledge of all the fundamentals. Classes include advanced post-production and image development sessions that explore the creative and technical. Classes are limited and may require additional fees.